Important dates:
Registration renewal will begin on October 16, 2023.
The deadline for renewal with no penalty is midnight on December 1, 2023. Anyone submitting their renewal between December 2 – December 31 will be subject to a $100 late fee.
All renewals must be submitted before midnight on December 1, 2023 to ensure processing for January 1, 2024. Any submissions after December 1 cannot be guaranteed to be processed for January 1.
Any member who has not submitted their renewal by this date will be cancelled as of January 1, 2024 and will need to complete the reinstatement process before they are eligible to return to work.
Bylaw Updates that Affect Renewal:
The non-practicing category has been discontinued as per the bylaw change that was passed by members at the CRPNS Annual Meeting on May 11, 2023. These changes were approved by the Minister of Health and signed into effect on August 25, 2023.
The reason for removal of the non-practicing category is that there is no benefit to the public or to members, is administratively burdensome, and adds costs to our database administration. All communications and information are available on the CRPNS website under the News and Announcements section.
What this means:
Members that are currently non-practicing will need to decide if they are going to reinstate their license to practicing for 2024, or let it expire December 31, 2023 with the option to potentially reinstate it at a later date if they meet the registration requirements.
The steps and forms for returning to practicing status will be sent to all currently non-practicing members at a later date.