A Message from the President

Good Day CRPNS membership,

I am writing to provide an update on CRPNS activities over the last several months. I would like to start by recognizing and thanking all registered psychiatric nurses for their ongoing commitment to care of Saskatchewan residents and in particular during the pandemic. Your service and leadership are valued, recognized and appreciated.

CRPNS Council has been busy over the last two years with a number of initiatives. A priority was to review our governance and financial processes to be in step with our mandate of protection of the public and current regulatory reform in Canada. To support this work, Council members have participated in educational sessions on governance trends and best practices to increase our understanding so we can more fully carry out our responsibilities including our fiduciary obligations. Our fiduciary responsibilities require the CRPNS governing Council to act in the best interests of the public and to ensure that CRPNS is financially fit to carry out this mandate. And it is with this in mind that I write to you about a major decision taken by the CRPNS Council.

Based on an analysis created for the CRPNS Finance Committee it has been revealed that there are significant risks/issues in continuing to own our current office space located at 2055 Lorne Street, Regina, SK. It is an old building and there is need to have financial resources readily available when repairs arise and must be dealt with on an urgent basis. There are short term and longer-term maintenance requirements for this property. This is an expensive proposition and all too familiar for anyone who has owned an older home and must carry out repairs. After receiving the Finance Committee’s cost analysis with recommendations, Council discussed at length various options.

I am announcing that Council is in agreement that the best course of action is to sell the property and move staff to a leased space. Council is mindful of its obligations. The decision was not taken lightly and was made based on the governance responsibility to manage long term financial stability for the Association and to ensure our resources are used to regulate effectively and efficiently in the public interest. Utilizing scarce resources to maintain this property is not in alignment with our legislated mandate. As a result, the Executive Director will be proceeding with Council’s directive.

On other matters, it is once again registration renewal season for RPNs. If you have not already done so, please make sure you license prior to the deadline. If you require additional assistance or information, contact office staff at info@crpns.ca

CRPNS continues to review its regulatory programs and services in the public interest. Of priority is an operational review of the current Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. Council will be reviewing options at the December 4, 2020 Council meeting. Updates on this initiative will be provided in the new year.

CRPNS is proud to announce transition to a new website. While there is still some content to be sorted out and cleaned up, we believe the improved functionality will serve members and the public in a more effective manner.

We are committed to regular communications and will be sending updates to members throughout the year. We look forward to our continued and shared governance work to support RPNs to provide safe, quality care to the residents of Saskatchewan.

Dan Badowich, RPN, CRPNS President
on behalf of CRPNS Council